Bid Process and Recommendation

After agreement of final specifications with Building Owner or Building Management, electronic copies of specifications will be sent to qualified bidders including a scheduled site visit and bid due dates. Sealed bids will be received and held by a designated Building Management representative. A time and place for the opening of the bids is determined by the Owner. After the opening of the bids we will provide a review of the bids received. This practice assures all parties of a completely fair and equal process.

The winning bid is based on compliance with the specifications, price and a final interview with the Owners or their representatives.

While many modernization specifications are set up as low bid specifications, this does not necessarily provide the best value to the client. VTE Solution can provide a low bid specification package, but our preference is to provide a specification package that allows the Owner the flexibility of evaluating not only the pricing, but the qualifications, references and performance history of the contractors that are bidding on the project. By evaluating all of this information we believe that the owner can truly make informed decisions that will provide the best value for the best price.

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